hearing aids

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hearing aid Specially developed for hearing loss hearing aids 2023 fiyatları 2024 hearing aid prices with 2025 hearing aid prices quality of life scales help to eliminate the difference between the success of our practice center and patient satisfaction and aim to enable them to lead a better quality of life.


hearing aid LOSS OF EMPLOYMENT It is necessary to recognize the ear and determine its need and shape. We need to know that voice needs, voice habits, voice character and perception are personal. hearing aid the way that each person recognizes the voice and understands what they are learning in any environment is personal.

Home Care Service

Those who cannot leave their homes due to the coronavirus outbreak hearing aid our users hearing aid sale, hearing aid application, hearing aid maintenance and adjustment, hearing aid We come to your home for your needs such as batteries and ear molds. We improve your hearing at home in these three (3) steps.

How to choose a hearing aid?

Want to buy a hearing aid? how do I choose, hearing aid how do i use it, hearing aidas well as the features of the product itself, the

Some factors related to the hearing center and you (or those with hearing loss who will use the device) will be decisive.

etfal hearing aids will appeal to everyone and every need hearing aid There are varieties.

Hearing aid users should pay attention to

Hearing aid users should pay attention to the fact that they are resistant to sweat and moisture, ensuring their longevity and hearing aidare also other important factors.

Since these devices will be in direct contact with your skin in the ear area, it is important that they are sweat resistant.

Siemens signia widex phonak hearing aid Nano-coated both inside and outside, which is sweat and moisture resistant and dirt-repellent hearing aidsYou can choose .

It has a whistling sound suppression feature to prevent whistling (chirping or feedback) sound while using the device. hearing aidsYou should choose .

In order for the wind noise not to interfere with your hearing, you should choose hearing aids with wind noise reduction feature.

hearing aid

hearing aid If the user has hearing loss in both ears and you want to better understand the direction the sound is coming from and the conversations in the noise in a crowded environment, hearing aid You should use it in both ears.

emerging as new technology hearing aids To hear the sound of devices such as televisions and mobile phones directly in your ears, it is compatible with wireless accessories. hearing aidsYou should choose .

Signia Active gold hearing aid


If you have hearing loss, there are many device options to help you hear. There's no one-size-fits-all device so it's right for you hearing aidIt is important to find .

Which hearing aid determine what is right for you A hearing test, general medical conditions, and the anatomy of your ear will be evaluated.

Traditional hearing aidsIf you use hearing aids and they no longer help your hearing, you should discuss possible alternatives with your hearing care professional. traditional for some hearing aids is the only option.

However, if you meet the criteria, it can be implanted hearing aids It may be a suitable option for you:

  • attached to bone hearing aids – with unilateral hearing loss and conductive (inner ear) or mixed (inner and outer ear) hearing loss and traditional hearing loss hearing aidsFor those who cannot use
  • Cochlear implants – for severe to profound hearing loss and traditional hearing aidsFor people who get little or no benefit from
  • Fully implantable hearing aids – for those with moderate to severe hearing loss, these devices are implanted under the skin, making them completely invisible
  • Partially implantable hearing aids – for those with moderate to severe hearing loss, these devices are implanted in the middle ear through a minimally invasive procedure