Etfal Hearing Aids Sales and Application Center

Hizmet vermeye başlamış olduğu 2001 yılından bu yana birçok ilke imza atan etfal hearing aids dünya da hayatımızı şekillendiren modern teknolojik gelişmeleri takip eden yeni keşiflerin öncülüğünü üstlenerek daha iyi bir yaşamın standartlarını oluşturmak için çalışmalarını sürdürmktedir.

Hearing Aids Sales and Application Centers hearing aids and a provider of hearing solutions that operates in audiology.

A German brand SİEMENS signia and the Danish company widex hearing aids ile birlikte hearing aid alanındaki tüm teknolojik gelişmeleri takip ederek bol ürün çeşidimiz perakende mağazamız İstanbul hizmet sunmaktayız.

Şuan, sektördeki Türkiye’nin en büyük firmalarından biri olan Etfal hearing aids and application centers are working to continue the leadership in all matters in the health sector.

Our goal

Used in developed countries hearing aid hearing aid to carry technology to our country; to provide our customers' needs and expectations in a quality and continuous way.

Our company, which has always made the basic principle of offering the highest quality and comfortable option for our patients with hearing aid sector in the hearing aid sector, has worked. hearing aid continues to work with the aim of becoming a global corporate company in its field.

Behind our success, customer-oriented and our applications include health, efficient use, and the approach of choosing the right device.

Siemens Signia and other hearing aid With its structure that includes multiple services in their fields. hearing aids It has become a pioneer and corporate company that adheres to its principles.


It cannot be given up for our customers who are experiencing Hearing Loss in Health Problems.
We are business partners, hearing aid For other companies in the sector, the first thing that comes to mind is to become a corporate company as Etfal heard.


To our customers, hearing aid With our expert staff and after-sales technical service, hearing aid Making life easier for our citizens in need is our indispensable principle.
hearing aids To provide fast, economical and pioneering services with our expert employees.

  • Siemens Hearing Asd
  • signia hearing asd
  • Technical service
How to Buy a Hearing Aid

If you have hearing loss, you should first go to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to get a hearing aid. (If you have been previously diagnosed by a doctor) hearing aid if it is proposed or already hearing aid If used, apply directly to the hearing center.)

by your doctor hearing aid If it is recommended, you can choose the device according to its design and degree of hearing loss.

If you are covered by SGK insurance, hearing aid by deducting the contribution amount given by SGK over the hearing aidEtfal hearing aidsYou can get it from . You can follow and get information about the SSI contribution to the cost of hearing aids on our Page.

SGK contribution For information...