Hearing aid setup


Hearing aid setup

İşitme cihazlarımız hayatınıza sesleri yeniden dahil edecek özelliklerle donatılmıştır. Ancak yeni hearing aidsnıza tamamen adapte olmanız için kendinize dört – altı ay süre tanımanızı tavsiye ediyoruz.

In the process of acquaintance of the brain with speech sounds and environmental sounds hearing aid we encourage our users to have realistic expectations and to be patient while getting to know this new technology. Most hearing aids It automatically adjusts itself according to the environment, and the user can also make some small adjustments via mobile applications or wireless accessories downloaded to the mobile phone.

Etfal işitme ’de hizmet hearing aidsnızı satın aldıktan sonra sona ermez. İşitme cihazlarınızın 4 ayda bir bakımı için kullanıcılarımızı şubelerimize bekliyoruz. Ayrıca işitme uzmanlarımız hearing aidsnızı gerektiğinde yazılım üzerinden sizin değişen ihtiyaçlarınıza göre yeniden ayarlayabilmektedir.

Request hearing aid Here are some of the questions that newbies ask and our answers:

I just started using hearing aids. Why does my own voice sound strange?

There will be a period of getting used to when you start using a hearing aid. It takes a few days for your brain to get used to hearing well again, and this is also necessary for your own voice. Some users say that they hear their own voices as if their noses are stuffy during this time. This is completely natural and will end in a few days. If the sounds are different and strange detection continues, there may be a problem with your device's settings. Etfal Hearing Centers hearing specialists will be pleased to serve you in such a case.

Will I have any problems when I start using a hearing aid?

Sounds you haven't heard for a long time hearing aid You will hear it again when you start using it. These sounds that you are not used to may disturb you at first. Adaptation to the device will occur over time, the important thing is that you continue to use the device.


How long does it take to get used to the use of hearing aids?

Necessary for hearing aid adaptation processLet's consider what:

1st and 3rd days;

The hearing aid should only be used at home for the first week. The device should be adjusted so that it can be heard comfortably and listen to different sounds (such as newspaper rustling, sneezing, coughing, clock, telephone ringing) by walking around the house. If the user feels nervous or tired, the device can be turned off and take a break.

The device user should read the newspaper or book aloud and control his own voice. He should try to understand what is being said by talking to only one person, looking at the face of the speaker, and then without looking. It is easier to understand by looking at the face of the person speaking at the beginning.

4th and 7th days;

Evde günlük işler yaparken cihaz takılıp, değişik sesler dinlenmeli (kapı çarpması, su kaynaması, çamaşır makinesi, elektrikli süpürge gibi) ve bu seslere alışılmaya çalışılmalıdır. TV’de haberler izlenmeye başlanmalıdır. 1. hafta sonunda cihaz kullanıcısı hearing aidnı günde en az 5 saat takabilir. 3-4 kişilik konuşma gruplarında cihazını kullanmaya başlayabilir. Cihaz kullanıcısı ayırt etmekte zorlandığı kelimelerin listesini çıkarabilir (örneğin Hastane- Postane, Taş-Yaş, Kuş-Koş gibi). Bu listeyi bir yakınına okutup (ilk önce dudaklara bakarak daha sonra gözlerini kapatarak) sonra kendisi tekrar etmeli ve bu kelimeleri ayırt etme kabiliyetini arttırmaya çalışmalıdır.

The user should now go out and listen to the sounds of nature.

If there is something that the device user does not understand during the conversations, he should not hesitate to make the other person repeat it.

In the second week, the device can be used in crowded environments such as theaters, cinemas, shopping malls. The device user should try to talk to a person as much as possible in crowded environments.

At the end of the whole process hearing aid should always be used